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22 MARCH 2017

Hospital Bernal Solution Match: here the selected 12 eHealth SMEs


On April 3 in Murcia, Spain, twelve selected SMEs will present and discuss their solution to solve the Hospital Bernal challenge: how to remotely monitor low-complexity chronic patients from their homes.

More than 70 European SMEs applied to the first Solution Match call. A majority of them are based in Spain (30%), followed by UK based SMEs (14%) and Italy (13%).

Out of the total, eHealth Hub and Hospital Bernal selected twelve applicants which were judged to hold the most promising solutions to meet the Hospital specific needs, as presented in the Solution Match call.

‘We were really impressed by the number of applications and the quality of the solutions, which made it even harder for hospital Bernal and eHealth Hub to choose the companies that were invited on April 3. We are really looking forward to the live event in Hospital Bernal’, Aline Noizet from Édito says.

Here are the “Magnificent 12” which will be presenting their digital health solution at the live event in Murcia. To all of them, “good luck”!


december, 2020

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