AM Sociedade de Advogados RL
Country headquarter:
Market presence:
Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique and Macau (China).
General description:
In AM Associados there is a group of professionals united in the firm will of providing a differentiated service in the context of law, where the client is the center of our attention. After the work experience that the several team members had in other law firms and in the performance of different functions and public duties – both in Portugal and abroad – AM Associados is particularly prepared to offer a service of excellence to our clients, which combines a strong knowledge of the reality of different sectors and a solid judicial quality of our professionals.
Areas of regulatory/reimbursement support:
Regulatory compliance; presentation of registration documents to regulatory agencies; advise on the legal requirements facing each business activity.
The eHealth Hub project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No727683.