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Hull Associates


Country headquarter:
Market presence:
EU, US, China, India, Japan, Australia, Canada, Israel, Turkey, Korea, Singapore, Argentina, Brazil and Colombia.
General description:

Hull Associates has an experienced team of in-country expert partners available to help with the commercialization of your product. Our team is experienced in new product launches; designing evidence strategies to increase reimbursement; ensuring the optimal positioning to help pharmaceutical, medical device, and diagnostic products to achieve maximum market success.

Areas of regulatory/reimbursement support:

Hull Associates offers a range of services to support pharmaceutical, medical device, and diagnostics companies achieve and maintain adequate reimbursement overseas. Our services range from basic market assessments to marketing dossiers to hands-on execution of dossier submissions and in-country advocacy efforts.

Company website


The eHealth Hub project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No727683.