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Business Modelling


eHealth Hub provides two services:


Business Model Clinic

Business Model Training: Lean Startup Academy

Developing a company requires some work for the entrepreneur about business modeling. Within the eHealth sector, a high innovative field, the exercise could appear complex. eHealth implies some specifics: for instance because your customers could be different from the users of your solution, or because of the engagement of public sector decision-makers requiring specific commercial relationships.

As eHealth is evolving fast, the continuous improvement methods will engage a dynamic approach about the design of your solution and your business.

Designing the model of a company is an iterative process, specially in eHealth, and innovation doesn’t only concern the technology side, but as well the other functions of the company (marketing, commercial, communication, finance, etc.). Lean Startup is a new, field-tested philosophy that provides entrepreneurs with a toolset to minimize failure and increase chances of success of their projects. The main idea is learning how to rapidly develop and test ideas by building a Minimum Viable Product, and gathering massive amounts of users feedback to validate hypothesis. Entrepreneurs will learn how to get out of the building and search for the real pain points and unmet needs of users.


The eHealth Hub project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No727683.