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Lean Startup Academy

Learn to be lean


Many of the solutions developed within the eHealth sector fail to have a meaningful impact, as startups fail to validate their ideas early on with real-life customers. To mitigate that, entrepreneurs need to get “out of the building”, identifying real pain points, searching for unmet needs or niche market segments, and validating their impact-related assumptions. In such a context, it would be extremely useful for them to apply the lean startup approach. The Lean methodology has proven to considerably reduce the incidence of failure, while increasing the chances of successful commercialization of innovative ideas. It is about learning how to rapidly develop and test ideas by gathering massive amounts of user feedback. In order to be able to think and operate following such an approach, specific training is needed.

What we offer

The Lean Startup Academy aims to take participating teams through the right steps to rapidly develop and test novel solutions by gathering feedbacks, developing a goal-oriented and well-planned business model for exploitation and dissemination of key results and solutions. During the training the lean startup approach and methodology is used and adapted to specific participants’ needs. eHealth coaches, with a wide expertise in the eHealth market, will guide teams through assumption identification, customer interviews, rapid experimentation and new exploitation opportunities.

An opportunity not to be missed

Early-stage startups and SMEs within the eHealth sector joining the Lean Startup ACademy would acquire a set of relevant benefits, as they would:

  • Get a unique opportunity to validate impact assumptions as well as exploitation prospects in real market conditions;
  • Gain invaluable knowledge from peer interaction and access to expert coaches;
  • Learn realistic, common-sense validation principles and acquire hands-on experience in product and customer development within a real business environment;
  • Interact with experienced and competent industry mentors and advisors, meet with investors and enter their networks.

The service includes a wide array of expert one-to-one coaching and will be customized to fit the specific needs of each participant.

Is Lean Startup Academy for you?

The Lean Startup Academy service targets early-stage startups and SMEs within the eHealth sector. Teams eligible to participate need to be headquartered in Europe, with an existing solution to build their business model around. Only the most promising proposals will be chosen. Applications will be evaluated based on: Innovation & competitive status; Market & customers; Team & network; Technology; Resources and costs; Future of the company; Needs and motivation; Financing.

Activities / Events

The Lean Startup Academy service will take place over the next three years, through different European countries, in partnership with key international events in the eHealth sector.

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The eHealth Hub project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No727683.