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A story by eHealth HUB

Feedback collected during the eHealth HUB Lean Startup program allowed us to better define the needs we’re solving on the market and refine the tools to collect such information through public surveys.

Valentino Megale

CEO and Co-Founder, Softcare Studios


With our company, Softcare Studios, we are developing immersive digital environments to support patients experience during therapy. The added value of our approach is we are able to collect and analyze therapy related parameters about users (movement, heart rate, respiratory rate, memory, association), with no additional sensors beyond the VR headset. These data are used to improve and adapt the virtual experience to the specific conditions of every patient and provide them through APIs to hospital for a better patient tracking during therapy.

Our first project, TOMMI, was then born during a 24 hours hackathon organized in Rome by Merck pharma company on November 2016 when we won the participation to Merck Accelerator program in Darmstadt for three months. TOMMI is a digital game for anxiety and pain relief for children with cancer that we realized using a special medium, virtual reality. Using VR allows us to provide not a simple game, but a fully immersive and highly engaging interactive experience able to bring children beyond the walls of the hospital, distract them from therapy negative feelings and significantly reduce their stress level to make them more collaborative with doctors, supporting also therapy efficiency and resources saving.

Since then, we have been awarded by several prizes: Web Marketing Festival, NIDI Prize, European Startup Awards (Italian selection), Pfizer Healthcare Challenge and Boost Your Idea. In total we raised 120 000 euros and we’re continuously growing.

In May 2017, we have been selected to attend the online eHealth Hub acceleration program to refine our business plan and we ended to attend the ICEEFest in Bucharest getting in contact with international medical and pharma companies. We decided to take part in eHealth HUB Lean Startup Academy to improve our business plan, extend our business network and collect meaningful feedback. Feedback collected during the program allowed us to better define the needs we’re solving on the market and refine the tools to collect such information through public surveys.

On July 2017 we started our first collaboration with pediatric hospital Bambino Gesù in Rome, where we discussed with doctors and psychologists the details of the game. Now, in collaboration with the neuroncology team, we are going to start our first pilot to scientifically validate the model.

At the moment, the team has been selected to join the TMCx acceleration program, organized by the Texas Medical Center in Houston (US). A great opportunity to expand its medical network, increase the possibility to start new international pilots and refine the go to market strategy related to the US ecosystem.

Our next goal is starting new pilots in Europe and US to validate our idea, objectively define its efficiency to improve patients experience and provide meaningful insights about the economical value provided to hospitals by the project. Next, we definitely point to raise seed funding to expand our core team and increase the complexity of developed projects.


eHealth HUB team wishes to the Sotfcare STUDIOS Team good luck!

To now more about SOFTCARE Studios and TOMMI Game:

www.tommigame.com email: [email protected]


Stay tuned for next eHealth HUB Lean Startup Academy @ICEEFest 2018 on 14 -15 June, in Bucharest.